Monday, April 11, 2011


In Islam wilayat, the condition of a wali, refers uniquely to the gnostic station of a person. The station of a wali is the station of knowledge of the Real by direct seeing. Thus in the Spiritual Kingdom of Allah, Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA) holds a very high position of his own. He is referred to as `king of the gnostics' an appropriate title, as he himself says, that for a true Faqir life and death is the same. It is a well known fact that in the temporal world, an officer loses his powers after retirement or on death but not so for the saints of Allah. In the spiritual world the powers of the saint’s of Allah remain as good as they were in their lifetime, nay, their powers even increase as they are no longer constricted and obstructed by their physical bodies. Their spiritual powers comes into play immediately after death. Just as they illumined the hearts and the minds of the people during their lifetime, so too, after their demise from this world, they illumine the seekers after truth. One should not be surprised by such occurrences.
This holds true for Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA). His tomb stands as a unique guiding post for humanity at large. Many a dead hearted soul has drunk from the waters of his tomb, receiving his spiritual `baraka' and thereby attaining to high spiritual stations to benefit humanity at large. Countless sublime souls have been blessed with `khilafat' at his tomb, as is the case of my grand sheikh Hazrat Faqir Nur Muhammed (RA). We will narrate for the benefit of the reader a few instances about the spiritual power which still emanates from the tomb of this great Saint.


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