Sunday, April 3, 2011


So you are visiting this website, but are wondering, who is Sultan Bahu anways?
Good question! So lets start by looking at what Sultan Bahu says about himself.
"When I was still a very young boy, I was standing one day near my home in Shorkot (a town in Pakistan), when all of a sudden, I saw a horse rider approach me - a man of highly regal and commanding demeanor, with an aura of radiance and glory about him. He held my hand, and pulled me up, seating me behind him on the horse. Initially I was very frightened, but gradually I took courage, and managed to address that person, asking him who he was and where he was taking me. The noble rider first turned towards me, and then replied with his unique eloquence:
I am Ali (rz) and as per his commandment, I am taking you to the court of the Holy Prophet(sm).
I was greatly relieved to hear that. After some while we reached our destination, and there, in that august court, I saw the assembly of all the eminent Companions of the Prophet(sm) and his family members.
First of all, Abu Bakr Siddique (rz) came over to greet me, and imbued in me the qualities of Truthfulness, and left the assembly. Thereafter, Umar (rz) came to greet me, and imbued in me the qualities of disciplining my 'nafs' (lower self). Thereafter, Usman (rz) greeted me and imbued in me the qualities of modesty and chastity. When all three of the first caliphs left, only the Prophet(sm) and members of his household were left in the assembly.
At that time, I could see an indication on the noble countenance of the Lion of God, Ali (rz), that he has being exhorted by the Prophet (sm) to take my pledge of Allegiance (Bayet), but he apparently kept quite and did not move. After some while, the Prophet (sm) himself raised his blessed arms towards me, and ordered me to hold his hands.
I was only to hold his hands, that in one single instance, all the veils were lifted from my heart, all the stages and stations of the path I traversed, and all that was near and far I could see right before my eyes. I could read through all tha was written in the preserved tablet (looh-e-mehfooz), and the genesis and eternality, the manifest and the hidden, all appeared to be one.



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