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6:01 AM

king of the universe
Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA) was born in the village of Shorkhote in Punjab Province in the year 1 039 Hijri, during the reign of the great Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Already as a child his Saintly qualities became apparent. He too, like Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA), refuses to drink his mothers milk from Sehri to Iftaar (before sunrise to sunset). Despite showing inherent spiritual qualities his training responsibility fell in the lap of his pious, devout and saintly mother, Ma Rasti (RA). In his childhood and early days, she was responsible for both his inward and outward training, colouring his personality in the Prophetic light. In many of his writings, Sultan Bahu (RA.) refers to his saintly mothers piety and spiritual station. In one of his Persian couplets, he refers to her devotion to truth as follows :
Bliss of God for Rasti be
For with truth is gifted she
' Interestingly ` Rasti ' itself in Persian means
`Truth'. At another place he writes :
`Mercy of Allah be on Rasti who named me Baa - Hu '
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