Mai Rasti (RA) saw a vision that soon she will be blessed with a child with inherent spiritual qualities whose light of Faqr will benefit many a seeker till the end of time. She was instructed to name the child `Ba Hu' - meaning - `With Allah'. This name, most certainly suited this holy personality, for he was always drowned in the Love of Allah. Hazrat Sultan Bahu's (RA) name is incomparable and has no parallel. His very name reflects his lofty spiritual station, pure qualities and attributes. We will, very briefly, attempt to examine and elucidate further on the characteristics and the quality of the saints name Bahu. This would help to absolve the fallacy and misunderstanding concerning the disposition of the Saints name.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Family
The Saint had four wives. The first wife was from the family of Hazrat Makhdoom Bahu (RA), who was one of the `Khalifas of the great Sufi, Hazrat Sheikh-ul Islam, Sheikh Bahauddin Muhammed Zakarya Multani (RA). His second and third wife was from his own tribe and family. His fourth wife belonged to a Hindu family of Multan and was given in `niaaz' (marriage) to the saint by Hazrat Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria(RA). Sultan Bahoo(RA) had renounced all worldly pleasures in his early years, yet he was obliged to marry more than one time ,to honour the `Sunna' of the Holy Prophet Muhammed(PEACE BE UPON HIM). The permission for having more than one wife is based not on conditions of lust, nor on any benefit accruing to the marrying male, but on the principle of sacrifice. The permission is conditioned by ones ability to deal equitably with his wives, which even at the formal level is an extremely difficult condition to fulfill except for those who are thoroughly disciplined, stick to spiritual and moral values above everything else and enter into marriage for spiritual considerations - for the sake of obtaining Devine Pleasure. So in Islam the institution of marriage is a religious matter rather than a worldly matter only and is based on the principle of interdependence of man and woman in ensuring fullness of life for each other through mutual affection, mutual confidence and mutual protection as husband and wife. As the Quran says by using a metaphor of profound beauty:
'They are a garment unto you, and ye are a garment unto them '
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Children
Hazrat Sultan Bahoo(RA) had eight children, all boys. They are in order of eldest to youngest:
- Hazrat Sultan Nur Muhammedur)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Wali Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sultan Lateen Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Saleh Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Ishaaq Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Fateh Muhammed(RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Shareef Muhammed(RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Hayaat Muhammed(RA)
The last son passed away in his infancy. All the children were educated in the than institutions of learning.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Features
He is said to have been of medium height. His round shaped head was often shaven showing off a wide and broad forehead. The eyebrows were thick and black. His beautiful black eyes had a look of majestic grandeur and always looked as if they were steeped in divine intoxication. The nose was not very long but was slightly pointed upwards. His cheeks and chin were appropriately shaped, set on a beautiful face, which was neither round nor long. Hazrat Sultan Bahu's (RA) beard was thick and he often dyed it with henna, which enhanced his beauty even more. His chest, which was always filled with divine light, was covered with hair, which was not in excess. His hands, thicker than normal looked very strong. His bone structure was sturdy and strong, covered by flesh appropriate to his structure. His fair and ruddy complexion gave off a piercing brilliance, which was easily recognizable wherever he went. In short his beauty was so luminous that wherever he went people were attracted to his radiant beauty and personality.
The Parents Of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA)
The father of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA), Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) was from this A'wan tribe. He was a titleholder and an office bearer in the court of the Mughals. He was a pious and devout scholar and a strict follower of the Shariat. He later married Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) who belonged to the same social class of the same family.
Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) was a devout, pious and saintly wife. Her piety had a marked influence on her husband, so much so, that the love of Allah kindled in his heart. This fire of love forced and compelled him to give up his government service, and passed the rest of his life in the service of Allah. He settled in Multan.
Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) joined her husband in Multan. In the mean time, as a recognition of his services, the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, conferred on Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) an estate in the vicinity of the small town of Shorkhote in District Jung, Punjab Province.
Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) and Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) settled and spend the rest of their lives in Shorkhote.
Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA), the father of Hazrat Sultan Bahu passed away in Shorkhote when Sultan Bahu (RA) was still a child. Hazrat Bazid was a Hafiz of the Quran and a Qari. A handwritten copy of the Quran transcribed by himself was last seen in the family of Hazrat Sheikh Talha (RA). (They probably still have it in there possession). The shrine of Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) is in Shorkhote situated near the tomb of Sheikh Talha (RA). Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA), the Saintly mother of Hazrat Sultan(RA) lived for many years after the passing away of her husband. When Sultan Bahu (RA) went to Delhi to meet Hazrat Sayyid Abdur-Rahman Qadiri (RA) in Delhi, Ma Bibi Rasti was still alive. At that time Sultan Bahu (RA) was fourty years old. At many places in his writings he eulogises his Saintly mother asking Allah to bless her. In one of his Persian couplets, he refers to her devotion to truth as follows:
`Blesses of God for Rasti be
For with truth is gifted she'
She lies buried besides her husband in Shorkhote. A mosque stands not too far away from the tomb. Further down east, at a considerable distance from their tomb stands a rest house to accommodate the pilgrims who frequent the town.

 | Sultani Links |

 | Photos | Mar 7, 2009 |
Muslim Scientsih
4 Photos, 4 comments Islamic Calligraphy
41 Photos, 2 comments Our Lovely Shaykh & Murshid
30 Photos, 5 comments |
 | Notes |

 | Video | Jun 24, 2009 |
    |  |
 | Learn about Hazrat Sultan Bahu |

 | Audio Section | Mar 26, 2009 |
Naat-e-Rasool'Allah (Sall Allahu Alayhi Wasallam)
In Praise of Beloved Of Allah and Our Master.
Recited by Al-Haaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri    |
instructed to name the child `Ba Hu' - meaning - `With Allah'. This name, most certainly suited this holy personality, for he was always drowned in the Love of Allah. Hazrat Sultan Bahu's (RA) name is incomparable and has no parallel. His very name reflects his lofty spiritual station, pure qualities and attributes. We will, very briefly, attempt to examine and elucidate further on the characteristics and the quality of the saints name Bahu. This would help to absolve the fallacy and misunderstanding concerning the disposition of the Saints name.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Family
The Saint had four wives. The first wife was from the family of Hazrat Makhdoom Bahu (RA), who was one of the `Khalifas of the great Sufi, Hazrat Sheikh-ul Islam, Sheikh Bahauddin Muhammed Zakarya Multani (RA). His second and third wife was from his own tribe and family. His fourth wife belonged to a Hindu family of Multan and was given in `niaaz' (marriage) to the saint by Hazrat Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria(RA). Sultan Bahoo(RA) had renounced all worldly pleasures in his early years, yet he was obliged to marry more than one time ,to honour the `Sunna' of the Holy Prophet Muhammed(PEACE BE UPON HIM). The permission for having more than one wife is based not on conditions of lust, nor on any benefit accruing to the marrying male, but on the principle of sacrifice. The permission is conditioned by ones ability to deal equitably with his wives, which even at the formal level is an extremely difficult condition to fulfill except for those who are thoroughly disciplined, stick to spiritual and moral values above everything else and enter into marriage for spiritual considerations - for the sake of obtaining Devine Pleasure. So in Islam the institution of marriage is a religious matter rather than a worldly matter only and is based on the principle of interdependence of man and woman in ensuring fullness of life for each other through mutual affection, mutual confidence and mutual protection as husband and wife. As the Quran says by using a metaphor of profound beauty:
'They are a garment unto you, and ye are a garment unto them '
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Children
Hazrat Sultan Bahoo(RA) had eight children, all boys. They are in order of eldest to youngest:
- Hazrat Sultan Nur Muhammedur)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Wali Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sultan Lateen Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Saleh Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Ishaaq Muhammed (RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Fateh Muhammed(RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Shareef Muhammed(RA)
- Hazrat Sheikh Sultan Hayaat Muhammed(RA)
The last son passed away in his infancy. All the children were educated in the than institutions of learning.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Features
He is said to have been of medium height. His round shaped head was often shaven showing off a wide and broad forehead. The eyebrows were thick and black. His beautiful black eyes had a look of majestic grandeur and always looked as if they were steeped in divine intoxication. The nose was not very long but was slightly pointed upwards. His cheeks and chin were appropriately shaped, set on a beautiful face, which was neither round nor long. Hazrat Sultan Bahu's (RA) beard was thick and he often dyed it with henna, which enhanced his beauty even more. His chest, which was always filled with divine light, was covered with hair, which was not in excess. His hands, thicker than normal looked very strong. His bone structure was sturdy and strong, covered by flesh appropriate to his structure. His fair and ruddy complexion gave off a piercing brilliance, which was easily recognizable wherever he went. In short his beauty was so luminous that wherever he went people were attracted to his radiant beauty and personality.
The Parents Of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA)
The father of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA), Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) was from this A'wan tribe. He was a titleholder and an office bearer in the court of the Mughals. He was a pious and devout scholar and a strict follower of the Shariat. He later married Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) who belonged to the same social class of the same family.
Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) was a devout, pious and saintly wife. Her piety had a marked influence on her husband, so much so, that the love of Allah kindled in his heart. This fire of love forced and compelled him to give up his government service, and passed the rest of his life in the service of Allah. He settled in Multan.
Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) joined her husband in Multan. In the mean time, as a recognition of his services, the Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, conferred on Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) an estate in the vicinity of the small town of Shorkhote in District Jung, Punjab Province.
Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) and Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA) settled and spend the rest of their lives in Shorkhote.
Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA), the father of Hazrat Sultan Bahu passed away in Shorkhote when Sultan Bahu (RA) was still a child. Hazrat Bazid was a Hafiz of the Quran and a Qari. A handwritten copy of the Quran transcribed by himself was last seen in the family of Hazrat Sheikh Talha (RA). (They probably still have it in there possession). The shrine of Hazrat Bazid Muhammed (RA) is in Shorkhote situated near the tomb of Sheikh Talha (RA). Hazrat Bibi Rasti (RA), the Saintly mother of Hazrat Sultan(RA) lived for many years after the passing away of her husband. When Sultan Bahu (RA) went to Delhi to meet Hazrat Sayyid Abdur-Rahman Qadiri (RA) in Delhi, Ma Bibi Rasti was still alive. At that time Sultan Bahu (RA) was fourty years old. At many places in his writings he eulogises his Saintly mother asking Allah to bless her. In one of his Persian couplets, he refers to her devotion to truth as follows:
`Blesses of God for Rasti be
For with truth is gifted she'
She lies buried besides her husband in Shorkhote. A mosque stands not too far away from the tomb. Further down east, at a considerable distance from their tomb stands a rest house to accommodate the pilgrims who frequent the town.

 | Sultani Links |

 | Photos | Mar 7, 2009 |
Muslim Scientsih
4 Photos, 4 comments Islamic Calligraphy
41 Photos, 2 comments Our Lovely Shaykh & Murshid
30 Photos, 5 comments |
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