Sunday, April 3, 2011



According to Sufi practice, one who seeks to traverse the "Spiritual Path”, has to become the disciple of some Sheikh of ripe experience and profound knowledge who could guide the seeker in attaining the goal. If one intends to save himself from the sickness of the soul than the remedy suggested by all saints is to search for some noble spiritual guide and be attached to him. The company of pious and saintly people is very essential to acquire and maintain sound

spiritual health, because the Sufi Sheikhs are physicians of men's souls.

Sultan Bahu(RA) belonged to the Qaderi school of Sufis. At the bottom rung of the Sufi ladder of all schools stand the mystic himself. Immediately above him stands his Murshid (Sheikh) or master, who is more than a philosopher, guide and friend to him. Next higher is the Murshid of the mystic's Murshid and so on. At the top stands the Prophet (Peace BE UPON HIM) of Islam who is the fountain -head of all mystic experiences and orders. In his Abyat Sultan Bahu(RA) refers to the Spiritual Masters when he says : ` Joys of Union with your Allah

If you wish, your master serve

Kindly glance of his, on a rose-bud

Turns it into flowery curve

Transforms you so fully, truly

Head and heart, and bone and nerve

Here and There win success, Bahu

Serve your Murshid with full verve.'

Sultan Bahu's(RA) initiation into the spiritual world was both esoteric and exoteric. In his book ` Amirul Kaunain ' he writes that `for thirty years I have travelled far and wide in search of a Perfect Murshid (Spiritual Master) '.During this period he met innumerable spiritual guides and spent time with many of them, serving them in every respect and receiving spiritual light and blessings from them.

Esoterically, Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) was initiated by the Prophet Muhammed (Peace BE UPON HIM ) himself. He received instructions and spiritual guidance from the fountain -head of all lights himself (PBUH) and was accepted as a child of light in the court of Hazrat Bibi Fatima (Radhi Allahu Anhu.), the lady of light and her husband Hazrat Ali (Radhi Allahu Anhu).

In one of his treatise,` Risala Ruh Shareef' Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) refers to this esoteric initiation when he says:

`Bahu, on whom Prophet(PBUH) bent

Initiate Bahu in lovers way Accepting Bahu in families tent'

Esoteric initiation in the life of the saint was experienced on two occasions.

It is narrated in ` Muraqaba Sultani ' that the first esoteric initiation took place in the vicinity of Shorkhote when the saint was in his adolescence. In his own words the saint describes this experience. He says:

` Once in my youth a very handsome and awe -inspiring person on horseback approached me. He held my hand and asked me to accompany him. I asked him who he was. He replied `I am Ali IBM Abu Talib and I have come to take and escort you to the exalted and holy court of the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu -Alaihi-Wasallam. Suddenly I found myself in the august court of the Prophet (SALL ALLAHU ‘ALAIHI WA SALLIM). All the Prophets (Peace BE ON THEM), Companions of the Prophet (PEACE BE ON THEM) including the four Khalifa -RASHIDIN (Hazrat Abu baker Siddiq, Hazrat Omar, Hazrat Othman Ghani, Hazrat Ali (Peace BE ON THEM) together with Panjaten Paak (i.e. Hazrat Bibi Fatima, Hazrat Imam Hasan, and Hazrat Imam Hussein (PEACE BE ON THEM) were present in the assembly. Also present in the court were Hazrat Sheikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Gilani (Rah. lay) and many more Sufi Saints. This was a most illustrious court, heavenly in nature, full of light and tranquility. The Holy Prophet (SALL ALLAHU ‘ALAIHI WA SALLIM ) was seated above all the others bestowing light and blessings like a shining star. The Holy Prophet SALL ALLAHU ‘ALAIHI WA SALLIM) was very much pleased to see me and putting me on his lap initiated me as his spiritual son. Thereafter all the Holy Personalities present in the assembly did likewise putting me on their laps. Especially the four Khulafa-e-Rashideen, Panjaten Paak, and Hazrat Ghauth-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (PEACE BE ON THEM), who blessed and graced me with love, special care and spiritual attention '.

The second initiation took place in the years of maturity. Hazrat Sultan Hamid ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh),the son of Hazrat Sheikh Ghulam Bahu(RA) writes about this incident in `Munaqabi Sultani' that he heard his father say that this discourse has been passed on from generation to generation that Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) use to often talk about this second esoteric initiation. Sultan Bahu (RA) use to say ` The second time too, I was presented in the court of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) by

Hazrat Ali (RA). The Holy Prophet(PBUH) asked me to stretch forth my hands. Taking both my hands into his(PBUH),he initiated me and I was blessed with his special spiritual attention, love, care and barakah.

Thereafter the Holy Prophet(PBUH) gave my hands into the hands of Sheikh Abdul Qadir(RA) and instructed him to train his spiritual son, Sultan Bahu ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), in the Qaderi Tariqa (order). After being blessed by the greatest Saint, all the holy personalities in the assembly blessed me with their spiritual light and barakah. The Prophet SALL ALLAHU ‘ALAIHI WA SALLIM) than addressed me that I should guide the true seekers to the path of Allah '.Accordingly up to the end of time Hazrat Sultan Bahu's(RA) teachings have been preserved in the form of his books, which are a beacon of light in this dark age we live in. As mentioned earlier, a mere

perusal of his works opens for the seeker the doors of Marifat (spiritual knowledge).

Despite being initiated on the esoteric level and being a born saint it was important that Hazrat Sultan Bahu attach himself to a Kaamil (perfect) Sheikh. All the saints in Islam had to undergo practical training in the company and guidance of Murshid's or Sheikhs. Hazrat Abu Saeed Abul Chair (RA) was the Sheikh (teacher) of Sayed Abdul Qadir Gilani ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh),Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (RA) was the Sheikh of Hazrat Shelby ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), Hazrat Kwaja Hasan Basri(RA) was the Sheikh of Hazrat Habib Jamie ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), Hazrat Kwaja Uthman Harooni(RA) was the Sheikh of Hazrat Kwaja Gharib Nawaaz ( RA) and so on.

Invocations to his Murshid have been addressed by Sultan Bahu(RA) in many of his `Abyat'(Punjabi Poems) as will be found. In one stanza he says:

` Murshid should be like a goldsmith

Roasting dross in crucible

Taking out the wholesome metal

Shape rings irresistible

Polish them for ladies' ears

Who will look adorable

Through true Murshid, every moment Bahu's Fate is changeable '.

At another place he says:

` Mystic ways without a Murshid

Try to tread and, sure, get lost..... Murshid perfect keeps you happy

In this life and life to come

Rids you of the pangs of hunger

Turns to silver pure and shining....'

So exoterically, Sultan Bahu's(RA) request to his mother to be his Murshid, in the mystical sense, was not granted. She directed him to seek spiritual guidance and initiation from a Sufi named Hazrat Shah Habibullah Qadir (RA). Sultan Bahu's(RA) search took him to the east. On reaching a town called `Baghdad’, he presented himself to Sheikh Habibullah Qadir(RA).

It was the habit of Sheikh Habibullah (RA) that he always kept hot water on the ready. Any new seeker that arrived in his Khanqah, was asked to put his hand in the water and on doing so the seeker would reach a state of `Kashf'(clairvoyance). Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) sat on the perimeter observing the phenomenon and the spiritual advancements attained by the other new seekers. After the happenings were concluded Sultan Bahu(RA) presented his petition and request to the Sheikh, who asked him why he never put his hand in the water, for then he would have reached his hearts desire. Sultan Bahu(RA) answered that on perceiving the states of the novice seekers, putting his hands in the water would not have quenched his spiritual thirst and aspirations. Sheikh Habibullah Qadir (RA) then entreated that Sultan Bahu(RA) perform `mujaahida' (struggle for spiritual purification ) and to attend to certain duties, one of which was to assist in brining water to the mosque for ablution.

Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) requested for a leather bag to carry the water to fill the fountain, pond and ablution block, which was empty at the time. As the other dervishes looked on, one bagful of water brought by the new aspirant was enough to fill the entire pond and ablution block. This miracle was immediately reported to Sheikh Habibullah( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), who commanded Sultan Bahu(RA) to free himself from any worldly attachment that he might still possess, as two different responsibilities cannot be shouldered at the same time.

Hearing this the young Sultan Bahu(RA) took leave and started his journey back home. Through intuition Saintly Ma Rasti ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), the mother of Sultan Bahu( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), became aware of his intentions and instructed his wives that they hide their valuables for use in times of need. The wives obeyed, burying their valuables. On arrival, the young Sultan Bahu(RA) made known his intentions saying that it was the instruction of Hazrat Shah Habibullah (RA). Agreeing with him, his Saintly mother said that he should carry out the instructions.

Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) recognized a ring on the finger of his son Nur Muhammad ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), which belonged to one of his wives. Getting rid of the ring he looked around if there were any more valuables in the house. Through intuition Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) found the hidden valuables and disposed of it.

Taking leave of his mother he once again proceeded to Hazrat Shah Habibullah Qadir (RA). On arrival the Sheikh told him that although he has got rid of his worldly valuables, what about the obligations to his wives for they were still his responsibility. Thus once again Hazrat Sultan Bahu ( RA) made the journey back home to set his wives free from wedlock. Saintly Ma Basri(RA) came to know of her son's intentions and assured his wives her protection. When Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) arrived home Saintly Ma Rasti(RA) and her daughter-in-laws absolved him of his responsibilities and obligations towards them, allowing the wives to remain in wedlock. However she exhorted that he return home to his wives after he reached the state of `realisation (Maarifat-Gnosis of God), and if not, he need not worry of his obligations towards them.

As Hazrat Sultan Bahu(RA) upheld the Sharia (Islamic Law) very strictly he heeded his mother's counsel. Taking leave of his mother and his wives he journeyed back to Hazrat Shah Habibullah

Qadiri(RA) and remained with him for some time. When it was time the Sheikh gave his full spiritual attention (Tawajjuh) to him and kept on enquiring about the experiences and revelations achieved. The young saint replied, “The states experienced during your Tawajjuh have been accomplished by me in my childhood."

To test his claim Hazrat Shah Habibullah Qadiri(RA) miraculously vanished. Using the same metamorphic powers Sultan Bahu(RA) also

vanished and met the Sheikh in a distant land. Recognising him the Sheikh again disappeared and Sultan Bahu(RA) followed suit. For a third time the Sheikh disappeared to a distend land, where Sultan Bahu(RA) found him teaching Quran to children in the mosque.

Being satisfied and Recognising Sultan Bahu's(RA) claim and spiritual status, the Sheikh took him back to his Khanqah.

Seated in his retreat Hazrat Sheik Habibullah Qadiri(RA) said:

"What you are seeking is beyond me, however, I will guide you to a place where you can achieve your heart's desire. Go and present yourself to my Spiritual Master Hazrat Pir Abdur-Rehman Shah Dehlvi Qadiri( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), who is the master of his time. He will guide you to stages of higher knowledge." Taking leave of his teacher he proceeded east towards Delhi.

On his way to Delhi, Hazrat Sultan Bahoo(RA) met many a dervishes, Sufis and saints who received spiritual blessings and baraka from him.

Describing him through intuition, Hazrat Pir Sayyid Abdur-Rehman Delvi Qadiri(RA) send one of his mureeds (disciples) to receive the Faqir Sultan Bahoo(RA) at the outskirts of the city. On arrival, he was immediately ushered to the presence of the Sheikh, who was expecting him in his retreat (place of seclusion). In utter silence and respect, one glance of spiritual attention from the Sheikh fulfilled Sultan Bahu’s(RA) hearts desire and he obtained his quest of higher knowledge.

His aspirations and needs fulfilled, he was given leave to depart by Hazrat Pir Sayyid Abdur -Rehman (RA). It was a Friday. Full of Spiritual Joy and confidence he proceeded to the marketplace, conferring in one gaze, to one and all, his newly acquired spiritual wealth and attention. Its effects became apparent manifesting in ecstasy, thereby causing great consternation. He was immediately summoned to the presence of Hazrat Pir Abdur Rahman(RA) who enquired of him his strange behaviour.

Sultan Bahoo(RA) replied "I have only experimented and tested out what I have been given by your Holiness. To experience, perceive and sense what is the reality of the spiritual wealth you have blessed me with. However, I have also been instructed by the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM ) to give spiritual benefit and blessings to the creation of Allah. This has also been your instructions and teaching." So saying he took leave of his Teacher, benefiting and realizing ever so more. The ocean of blessings and pearls of light overflowed from the heart of Sultan Bahu ( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), as he proceeded once again towards the marketplace. It was time for Juma (Friday) prayers. The King Aurangzeb was also present at the Delhi Jaame Masjid, which was overflowing with worshippers. As the mosque was packed to capacity, Sultan Bahoo(RA) stood right at the rear end of the mosque. Standing there he opened the doors of his inner light, giving his spiritual attention to one and all. The congregation went into a state of heavenly bliss, rapture and ecstasy, accept for three people who were not touched by this extraordinary display of spiritual power, the King Aurangzeb, his Prime Minister and the Mayor of Delhi. Witnessing this phenomenon, the King and his retinue stood respectfully, with hands folded, in the presence of Sultan Ba hoo(RA) and queried why they were not influenced by the Saints inner light. His Holiness replied:" It was due to the hard hearted condition of your inner selves." The King implored and begged the Saint to bless him with inner light. His holiness agreed on one condition that the King will not meet him or any member of his family in the future and also not visit his home, thus keeping his family free from getting involved in matters of state. The King Aurangzeb agreed to this request. Hazrat Sultan Bahoo(RA) attended to the King blessing him with inner light and baraka. The King entreated the Saint to leave him with something by which he could be remembered. Standing there his Holiness began to relate his teachings, which was immediately written down by the Ki ngs scribe. This teaching became known as " Aurang -Shahi " and this treatise is one of the many books of Sultan Bahoo( Rathi Allahu ‘anh), which is still existent. It contains in its very brief form the teachings, advise and philosophy of the great Saint. If available, it should be studied by would be seekers, as a means to understand this great mystic ­saint of Islam. After this encounter with the king, Hazrat Sultan Bahoo(RA) departed homewards to return to his own familiar surroundings. It was during this journey back home that a group of Hindu sanyasies accepted Islam at the hands of the saint. It is narrated that one of the sanyasies had disturbed a resting Bahoo asking for the right way .The saint replied " La Ilaha Illallah Muhammedur Rasulullah is the way" .On hearing this the group went into a state of rapture, embraced Islam and through the blessings of the Saint, all of them reached the stage of being an `Abdal' (hierarchy of Muslim saints). This famous and renown happening, has been narrated from generation to generation.


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