Monday, February 28, 2011

The Saints are sent as a blessing and benefit for all mankind.

Allah (SWA) tells us in the Holy Qur'aan that His beloved Nabi Muhammad
Mustafa (SAW) has been sent into the world as a mercy for all mankind. Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) is the finest and most beloved creation of Allah (SWA), and
anyone who shows any bit of disrespect towards him, shows disrespect for Allah,
and in turn earns His wrath.
The holy Ahle-Bait and all Saints of all times, are certainly the true, devoted
servants of Allah, and are true examples of the Ummah of Muhammad (SAW). Just
as one earns Allah's wrath by disrespecting the Prophet, they similarly earn His
wrath by insulting the true followers of the Prophet. The Auliya Allah (Saints /
Friends of Allah) have been sent into this world to continue the teachings of the
true principles of Islam, and through them, Allah shows us His power and greatness
by means of miracles, mysticism and many other majestic ways. Anyone who
disbelieves in such miracles denies the greatness of Allah, which is clearly
polytheism, for the true servants of Allah perform miracles by His Divine command.
Prophets and Saints of all times, are leaders and guides sent to us by Allah (SWA)
and it is they who deserve the highest mode of respect, honour and dignity. The
best way is to follow their sacred examples in one's life, and of course to defend
their honour when they are insulted or rebuked.
There is an endless number of incidents that one can relate to concerning the
conversions of non-Muslims to Islam, just by looking at the exemplary behaviour and
miracles of the Saints.
I will relate a story which reveals the status of Hazrat Hasan Al-Basri (RA), who is
a great saint and the beloved disciple of Hazrat Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA). He
received the name "Hasan" at the hands of Hazrat Umar Al-Farooq (RA). Hazrat
Umar named him thus, upon seeing his immense beauty as a baby, and advised his
mother to keep the name Hasan, which signifies beauty.
The following story is incredibly meaningful, and will give one a good idea of how
important Allah's Friends are to Him.
There was a neighbour of Hazrat Hasan Al-Basri (RA) named Simeon. Throughout
his life, Simeon practiced fire-worshipping. Once, Simeon became extremely ill,
and was on his dying bed. Hasan Al-Basri went to visit him to check on his
well-being. As he spoke to Simeon, Hasan advised him to become a muslim while he
still had life and before it was too late. Simeon was worried at the fact that he
spent 70 years of his life worshipping fire, and needed to know if he would be
forgiven at converting only on his dying bed. Hasan assured him that he would be
forgiven. But Simeon was not convinced, and asked Hasan to give him a statement in
writing, assuring him that Allah would not punish him. Hasan agreed to this, and
gave Simeon such a statement. Upon receiving it, he became a muslim. Simeon told
Hasan to put the statement in his hand before he was buried, so he may go into his
grave with this assurance. When Simeon had passed away, Hasan did as he asked,
and after the funeral prayer had been performed, he went home pondering over
what he had done. He could not help thinking if he did the right thing by making
Simeon such a promise. That night, when Hasan went to sleep, he saw Simeon in a
dream. Simeon had a magnificent outfit donned, a crown on his head, and was
standing in a beautiful garden of Paradise, looking happier than ever. Hasan asked
him how he was. Simeon told him to look at his wonderful position, and that the
promise which Hasan had made had been fulfilled. Allah had forgiven him and given
him a high position in Jannah. He thanked Hasan and handed the statement back to
him, saying he was no longer in need of it. When Hasan woke up, he found the
statement in his hand where Simeon had placed it! Hasan had immediately
acknowledged the mercy and greatness of Allah, and cried: "Oh Allah, You have so
mercifully forgiven an infidel of 70 years because of a single utterance! One can
but imagine how You will forgive a believer of 70 years!" This shows us Allah's
endless favours upon His beloved friends, and how Simeon was blessed to accept
Islam at the hands of Saint Hasan Al-Basri (RA). From this example we can also
deduce that seeking help from Allah through the blessed Wasilah of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW), the Prophets and the Saints is absolutely beneficial. Would
people be ignorant and foolish enough to discard the opportunity of asking the
people most beloved to Allah (SWA) for Duaa? Unfortunately we see that such
people do exist.
Understanding the miracles of Allah through His blessed servants will strengthen
one's Imaan, courage and soul at large. The ones who understand the inner
dimensions of such mystical stories and take heed of their meanings are the ones
who are truly gifted, and may they attain high positions in Jannah. May Allah
guide us all to live and die with true Imaan. Aameen!

Written by: Shaazia Solly Joosub


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